Episode #22 - Season Three

Revisiting DC

Velvet Manifesto
"Superstar: the Karen Carpenter Story", "Poison" (the first NEA film controversy), "Safe", "Velvet Goldmine." Bill Judkins catches up with gifted director Todd Haynes and his longtime producer Christine Vachon in bed in their Cannes Hotel room at 1:34am.

NEA Tapes
Find out what NEA public funding has meant at the local level. Whether it's cowboy poets, Indian basket weavers or a theater group in Iowa. From a work-in-progress documentary on the NEA by Melissa Wolf and Paul Lamarre.

Flower Power
Independents have to push the boundaries of exhibition as well as production. Screening outside on a hillside? Chris Smith and Sarah Price take us there.

Dockers: Changing Pants
With government funding drying up will America's corporations pick up the slack? Or is it slacks? Janet Pierson examines how Dockers (copyright symbol if you have it) Khakis is attempting to reach a younger market via independent film.

Episode #22 Credits

Disclaimer: Do not send scripts! We won't read them because we don't produce films from the script stage.

© 1997-1998 Grainy Pictures, Inc.